Here is the latest news and goings on from the South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
We are pleased announce the third call of the Economic and Social...
Date: 05/12/2019
SCDTP Student Collaborations with Industry
During 2018-19, the SCDTP collaborated with the University of Southampton’s Impact Acceleration...
Date: 17/10/2019
Exhibition: ‘Visualising the Lives of LGBTIQ Roma’
An exhibition and a symposium entitled “Visualising the Lives of LGBTIQ” Roma...
Date: 02/10/2019
SCDTP Funded Student Wins Prestigious Award for Military Ethics Thesis
PhD student Marcus Curran has won a prestigious international award for the...
Date: 21/08/2019
Thinking about doing a PhD?
Thinking about doing a PhD? The thought of studying for a PhD...
Date: 21/08/2019
Exhibition: Challenging Stereotypes of Roma, Gypsy and Traveller People
Dr Annabel Tremlett, one of the SCDTP's Thematic Cluster Pathway coordinators (Population...
Date: 15/11/2018
Artificial Intelligence Studentships – Apply Now
The South Coast DTP is currently offering 2 studentships in relation to...
Date: 15/10/2018
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Opportunities
The South Coast DTP has been awarded a number of ESRC Post-Doctoral...
Date: 22/12/2017
Welcome to the South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership! by SCDTP Director,...
After so much planning, discussion, coffee-drinking and biscuit-munching, as well as getting...
Date: 21/12/2017