South Coast DTP Research in Practice Placement
Your Research in Practice Placement will be a 3 month (or part time equivalent) work based learning opportunity with an organisation that can offer a suitable project that can use your current skills and help you to develop any skills gaps you have identified through your development needs analysis.
Placements can last from 1 to 3 months; they can be done on a full or part-time basis, and with more than one placement provider.
The are lots of different organisations who would benefit from having a SCDTP student working on an placement project.
Public | Government (local or national), Private | Industry, Third sector | Charity | NGO & Academic
- You cannot be placed with your current supervisors or research team or in your home department.
- Although the skills and networks you develop may be helpful for your PhD as well as future careers, you cannot use the placement to generate data for you PhD or use your PhD fieldwork site as your placement.
The organisation you do your Research in Practice Placement with can be one of your choosing, or the Research in Practice Team can help find a suitable organsiation.
The Research in Practice Placement is funded by the ESRC in that you will still receive your stipend for the period of the Placement.
The internship host organisation should contribute to your business expenses, like travel and accommodation. If any additional funds are needed for the internship, then there may be options like contributions from your supervisor and the South Coast DTP.
As a South Coast DTP student, you will not be expected to pay for any part of the placement.
When you go on your placement will depend on a number of factors. It will be different for every South Coast DTP student.
- You will need to collaborate with your supervisors on the best time to go on your RiP placement, depending on your PhD project commitments.
- As part of your Development Needs Analysis you will reflect on what skills you are looking to develop and the best placement opportunity and timing to help support that development requirement.
- You should not do your RiP placement within the masters year or first few months of the PhD and you would normally need to pass your first progression review first.
There is no competition for who goes on their placement first, every South Coast DTP student brings unique academic & work experiences and therefore the timing of the placement will be individual.
The South Coast DTP internship is a mandatory and assessed part of your South Coast DTP programme.
The ESRC funding period now includes 3 months (or part time equivalent) for the Research in Practice part of the training. If you don’t go on the placement then that period of funding (3 months or part time equivalent) will be withdrawn by the ESRC.
Your Research in Practice placement is part of your Research in Practice training, and will comprise of a suite of options aimed at developing your skills in several core areas relating to your employability.
For answers to your Frequently Asked Questions on Research in Practice, click here