Understanding how we obtain and process information and why we behave in the way we do is central to social sciences. The LKB TCP will bring together a wide range of subject areas and PhD research that looks at these issues from a variety of backgrounds, including Education and Psychology.
The theme will focus on how we learn, acquire and use knowledge, as well as the resultant behaviour at an individual and population level. The TCP will bring together individuals from 11 different disciplinary backgrounds alongside those conducting interdisciplinary research to ensure all students are fully conversant in a range of disciplinary viewpoints. Understanding how different subject areas approach the same area of research will spark academic enquiry, enhancing research. The interaction between the students within the TCP with each other as well as with outstanding academics is a key part of the students training within the SCDTP. Being able to debate with an interdisciplinary audience along disciplinary lines is a key skill that will benefit the students in any future career.
Dr Chris Cocking (Brighton) – C.Cocking@brighton.ac.uk
Prof Kim Bard (Portsmouth) – Kim.Bard@port.ac.uk
Mr David Galbraith (Southampton) – D.W.Galbraith@soton.ac.uk