Winners of the 2023-24 SCDTP Impact Prizes

Date: 17/10/2024

Tags: impact prize

Winners of the 2023-24 SCDTP Impact Prizes

Dear SCDTP students, Postdoctoral Fellows and colleagues,

The ESRC SCDTP is delighted to announce the winners of the 2023-2024 SCDTP Impact Prizes.

Adam Meylan-Stevenson (Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton).
Adam has been making impact by improving the knowledge and evidence base for practice and policymaking on air pollution policy in Central South England. This includes policy informing evidence gained from researching barriers to effective policymaking, and how the Ministry of Justice can use technology in prisons. He has presented research on public health policy to the Director of Public Health and the leader of Southampton City Council, and he is lead author on a report about air quality in Central South England, health impacts, and the policy framework. research on online tools for democratic participation has been cited in a Scottish government report

Alice Wolfle (Social Statistics & Demography, University of Southampton).
Alice is researching seasonality and child health in Bangladesh; following her fieldwork with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases, Bangladesh longer-term collaboration projects are under discussion. She has also completed an Internship with the Civil Registration Vital Statistics (CRVS) team of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok), writing briefs as dissemination and advocacy tools for stakeholders. She organised a side event at the 7th Asia and Pacific Population Conference, participated in workshops, liaised with stakeholders (in Nauru, Nuie, Maldives, Samoa, Fiji, Lao PDR, Bangladesh), wrote summary briefs and blog posts, produced spatial maps, supported organisations in Philippines, Fiji, Thailand, Lao PDR with publishing. You can see some of the blogs at

Congratulations to the winners who have undertaken outstanding work towards making impact.

Best wishes,

Jing Lin
ESRC South Coast DTP Team

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