We fund students undertaking Masters + PhD programmes (1+3.5 funding) and stand-alone PhD programmes (+3.5 funding) or Integrated PhD (+4.5 funding) programmes.
In addition to covering the cost of programme fees, those in receipt of a South Coast DTP studentship award will also receive an annual maintenance grant of £18,622 (2023/24 UKRI rate). South Coast DTP PhD students will also have access to additional funding for things such as carrying out fieldwork, purchasing essential equipment and attending relevant conferences.
In addition to standard studentship payments, members of the South Coast DTP are able to apply to the following schemes for additional funds through the course of their studies:
Overseas Institutional Visits
Provides students with a funded extension and additional funding for travel and subsistence, to spend a maximum of 12 weeks at an overseas institution. The scheme is to be used to encourage international engagement, undertake additional specialist training not available in the UK, establish research links and disseminate early research career findings.

Enhanced Student Training Fund
To facilitate student attendance at training courses outside of the normal DTP/Consortium network, the DTP will provide a limited number of bursaries of up to £1000 each. This funding will be available on a competitive basis and is to be used for attending UK/International courses which would enhance the research/research experience. These may be for specialised technical courses within the UK or for training in an area that expertise lies internationally.

Student-led Training Fund
We will make funds available for students to set up their own training courses which can be advertised and attended by students across the entire DTP network. Previous examples have included audio-visual training, policy briefings, and knowledge exchange events.

Overseas Visit Bursaries
In recognition of the competitive nature of the OIV scheme, the SCDTP will supplement this with an initiative to support students who wish to make shorter overseas visits to enhance their research. We will award a limited number of bursaries of up to £2000 each per year, to support visits of up to 1 month. This scheme will not attract an extension of the studentship.