Blog Guide for SCDTP Blog page

To submit a blog for publication on the South Coast DTP website, please contact our student blog editors Loveleen Kumari and Eleanor King.


When submitting articles for the blog, please adhere to the guidelines below:
• Articles to be written in Arial font size 12.
• Use the APA referencing system, e.g. (Last Name, Date of Publication, Page Number/s) and include a bibliography. Provide hyperlinks in the body of the text where possible.
• Articles are to be no less than 500 words and no more than 1500 words.
• Provide a title to your article of no more than 20 words.
• Provide between two and four subject related tags.
• Please send in Word format with your name at the top of the page.

Please also provide:
• A short 100-word bio, including details of your research and the department in which you work/study.
• A photo relevant to the content of your article.
• You may also wish to provide a picture of yourself, as well as an email address or other contact details.

Advice on writing style:
• Please write with a wide audience in mind, including policymakers and non-academics.
• Avoid the overuse of acronyms, overly esoteric or technical terms (unless absolutely necessary, then provide a brief explanation).
• Write your article as a standalone piece and present all of your argument within the text.